About Karen

My life is a continuing process of integrating my professional services as educator, therapist and writer with my creative gifts. I’m fortunate to be a published composer, poet, and award-winning biographer. I have an abiding curiosity about what makes people tick, and am grateful to be able to offer bright sparks of hope and affection in moments of communion with others.

I have been richly blessed. My life path includes early spiritual growth as a teaching nun. After leaving religious life, I married my soulmate and we started a family while I earned a Master’s degree in Counseling Psychology. My work as a clinical therapist focused on helping individuals by improving their family systems for win-win solutions.

In midlife, I fulfilled my girlhood desire to draw and paint. My first art class liberated my inner art genie, and family dude ranch vacations brought subjects galore for my Western-themed paintings. Meanwhile, I transitioned out of my therapy practice into designing and directing peer support programs for cancer patients, which eventually led to my current career in medical education, writing and marketing.

As a loving daughter, sister, wife, mother, grandmother and friend, I embrace E. M. Forster’s words to distill my life’s mission: “Only connect…”

Feel the hug.

