An Offering Of Luminous Love.
Welcome to Feel The Hug…. An offering of luminous love.
Please enjoy our evolving gallery of writing and art conjured by two big-hearted, like-minded sisters. For many moons we’ve been dreaming of creating something together, as an extension of our soulful connection, our creative synergy, and the joyful love we share a-plenty.
In the dawn of the COVID-19 pandemic, both of us were inspired to raise our voices and send out messages to ‘our people’. In our own ways, we wanted to rally folks around a metaphoric campfire of empowerment and hope to help mitigate the tsunami of fear and swelling state of global crisis.
Based on a friendly nudge from a benevolent ally, KB proposed the idea of us teaming up to use our sisterly force of nature to beam virtual hugs to a world becoming new, the hard way. Some playful collaboration here, a little techno tinkering there, and POOF!, our dream baby was born.
Through select moments of mixed media, we aim to fortify vision and immunity in these times of challenge and crisis. We hope to touch you with heart and imagination….we hope to engage your senses and plant seeds of encouragement to cultivate bountiful goodness for a New Earth.
Birds of a feather, or not….we’re in this together. Through togetherness we can meet one another where we are. We can relate, we can heal, we can lift, we can soar. We can make meaning and magic out of the strange brew of these transformative times.
Come on this art-full adventure with us, won’t you?
Many hugs await.