As I awaken into The Dreaming, lulling myself out of the nightmare of separation,
I weep oceanic tears of gratitude and whisper a silent “thank you” to The Divine
for ushering me through.
Waves of grace gently toss and turn me inside out, cleansing and clearing the debris
and residue from countless experiments of being, gone awry.
I see through new eyes, a world becoming new right along with me.
I feel with a full heart, hope that has never existed before I allowed it to take flight.
I sense with a reinvigorated body, universes of possibility beyond imagination.
I dance with a reunited soul and spirit, expressing what cannot be named in words,
only breath and light and movement.
I am here to help the world awaken once again.
It is happening.
It is so.
© 2018 Gail Barrie
Anna Utzman
Very beautiful! Thank You so much for sharing!! Big hugs!! ❤️🤗💕
Thank You, Dear Anna. More love beaming your way. Feel The Hug 💝
Beautiful, Gail! Yes, we are becoming new and even in the very messy, painful birth, it is cause for celebration! I know you will touch many people with your luscious, passionate writing.
Thank you for your vulnerable offering!
Thank You, Leza. Indeed, perhaps the most vulnerable public sharing of my sacredness so far. Your support and encouragement are gifts to behold. Feel The Hug 💝