Worthiness Is . . .
intertwined with the sovereign truth of our dignity embodied, its origins divinely seeded into human Being. It reminds us that we are sacred in nature and loved abidingly, without uttering a word or lifting a finger. This knowing lingers in our soul’s memory no matter how far we stray into the fray of forgetting.
Dear Human Family, we have strayed too far now. We have lost our way collectively, having created a world of pain-ridden hijinks in the seeming severance of our innate holiness. There is so much to grieve in this reckoning of our illusions.
Transcension is calling every one of us by name.
And so the word ENOUGH streams through the dawn of my days, blessing my moments from morning into night, and the world becomes more beautiful, more loving, more peaceful, more promising.
I vow to remember that I am, you are, we are . . . enough. I will do my part.
Today I pray that we remember our worthiness as a people, and elevate our belief that goodness is our way forward. May we become a unified force of sacred knowing who walk this Earth in dignity and decency, aligned with the highest good of All Creation.
Together, as we say “Enough!”, we can become unstoppable.
With resounding thanks for all who dare to birth a grander Dream of Awakening . . . and marvel at what is possible for Us All from here.
So Be It . . . Amen . . . Aho . . . Peace.
© 2020 Gail Barrie