It Happened
In the safety of solitude, respect and reverence fully in tact, I unleash my heartbroken fury with a vengeance. . . I activate my violence, revenge, hostility and murderous rage.
I cross the edges of my caring, my cowardice and false protection, and fling myself into the insanity of hell, full on. . . destroying everyone and everything in sight.
With all the power and might I can muster, I take out all of the offenders with my embodied wrath and every weapon I possess.
And it feels good.
It feels good and right and true to own it all.
I have welcomed home the crazed, savage, merciless ones. Their hurt unfathomable, their pain perpetual. These woeful, wild and wayward children can now be nourished at my table and sleep soundly under my roof.
Thank you for holding me, and All, in safety and protection as I face my fears around power. . . the claiming of it, the denial of it, the abuse of it, and the harnessing of it for the greatest good.
Thank you for guiding me to rise and heal my inner world, so that my outer world may heal and flourish like never before.
Power to the people, and every living thing.
So Be It . . . Amen . . . Aho . . . Peace.
© 2018 Gail Barrie
Sharon Lehrer
timely! whoa
Again, so powerful. Speaks to me hudgely. beautiful. Curious, How did you fling yourself?
“I cross the edges of my caring, my cowardice and false protection, and fling myself into the insanity of hell, full on. . . destroying everyone and everything in sight.”
It scares me thinking about mustering up and expressing at level of intensity you express. How did you do it? In an outward rage or was it internal. Once? over time? Repeats? Any suggestion would be helpful for me to engage those feelings, parts of mysel fully. I want to fully express them, give them voice, own them. I want to step into my power fully.
This moved me emensley. ” I have welcomed home the crazed, savage, merciless ones. Their hurt unfathomable, their pain perpetual. These woeful, wild and wayward children can now be nourished at my table and sleep soundly under my roof.
You inspired me. Not only do I want to: feel these feelings, welcome them home, I want to step into my creative power. I am involved now in full time healing work. This is an important piece of it.
Love you Sharon Rose
Lots to reply to here, Sharon Rose…you are incredibly dear to be so moved.
I’m happy to talk with you about your questions more privately, feel free to call if you’d like.