Morning Prayer
Quiet twilight sky speak to us,
Tell us tales of All That Is.
Let us sink into the relaxation of your stillness,
Let us relax into the truth of what we know.
Awaken our hearts to revel in beauty,
To float in the covenant of hushed joy
And abiding peace.
Allure us with the promise of what will be,
If we believe, enough,
If we trust, enough,
If we care enough to surrender
Into our most vivid dreams and desires.
Nudge us toward our goodness and courage,
Toward the glimmers of our sleeping radiance,
Yet to be fully revealed.
Breathe with us as we begin anew,
As we open our eyes,
And attune our hearts to hear The Music.
Walk with us into the unfolding of your majesty,
Into the dawn of this pristine day,
Humming with creation,
Ripe with potential,
Satisfied to be just what it is.
A canvas, a storyboard, a loom,
Willing to be colored, written, woven,
From the bounty of our choices.
Help us to choose wisely,
And to know how to savor,
The sweet and spicy miracle of presence,
Of what it is to be alive in each moment,
© 2010 Gail Barrie
alison smith
What an awesome collaboration.
Thank you, Alison….great to hear from you!! I hope you and yours are safe and well. Feel The Hug 💝