Rainbow Roll
Rainbow Roll…. my first take-out in three months, by choice, due to Shelter In Place restrictions.
It was the best damn rainbow roll I’ve eaten in this lifetime, from an unexpected source. Thank You, Nugget Market and your Mystery Sushi Chef Extraordinaire.
Oooooooh, the delicious pleasure-dance of flavor and texture and aroma and sensation… fresh and bright and spicy and saucy, and chilled to perfection. The taste of sea and sky and earth umami rolled into one bite after another. Heavenly nourishment feeding and fueling my mind, body, spirit, in all the best ways.
Soul Food From (another) Mother…. made just for me.
I was changed by really slowing down, and savoring the full-bodied gift of Rainbow Roll.
It’s wonderful to allow things I can take for granted due to my privilege (like sushi, and take out, and the ability to eat solid food, and, and), coupled with a static sense of ‘normalcy’, to transform and lift into a full-blown experience of luxury and blessing. It takes me from a world of black & white into a technicolor reverie.
To be mindful and sense fully the gift of a ‘Rainbow Roll Moment’, invites deeper and more glorious sensations of boundless gratitude for what is. It allows an appropriate owning and honoring of privilege, guilt-free. True, whole-person nourishment through a practice of exalted receiving, allowing, accepting, and celebrating life, as is.
This Rainbow Roll moment was a brought to me by the illusion of restriction. Therefore, I must also thank the gift of restriction for opening and pointing me toward new internal vistas brimming with more goodness, truth and beauty than I’ve known before. And, a really terrific new sushi resource in walking distance from my home.
To reach beyond the constriction of restriction, to experience a vast bounty and blessings through the mundane moments of life, is a joyous expression of everyday magic.
An internal hug of epic proportions.
Have yourself a Rainbow Roll Moment (or many) today, Dear Magician.
And, Feel The Hug.
©2020 Gail Barrie