The Twins
I call these two stately palm friends ‘The Twins’. They live down the street from me. The azure sky and marshmallow clouds drew me to them as I ventured out on my early evening stroll. I asked Father Sky to be my strolling companion and guide, to lead me this way and that with no direction or time frame, reminding me to ‘look up’ and listen. Sure enough, my upward focus expanded my perception in ways I found to be surprising, even amazing.
When was the last time you strolled outdoors in solitude for the sheer pleasure of it?
I hardly ever do. I walk for transportation, with an agenda as I move my body from here to there. And I ‘power walk’ more briskly for exercise, again with a clear agenda.
It takes so much presence for me to s-l-o-w d-o-w-n enough internally to just stroll aimlessly for an extended passage of moments strung together by imperceptible filaments of Becoming. To allow myself to truly be at my leisure, to bask in the embrace of my surroundings while walking with openness and receptivity. To lollygag in communion with the elements and let the magic of each moment be markers for momentum.
My solo stroll was relaxing, invigorating, and sensual…. and other things sublime I cannot express in words. Time and to-do’s evaporated as I mindfully pulsed and paused, left foot, right foot, encountering heightened beauty, delight, gratitude and awe along the way. I saw things I’d never seen before on my familiar pathway. My stroll became a moving meditation that changed me to the core. I came home newly embodied, soul-satisfied and spirit bright with a peaceful and seemingly empty mind, all of my molecules doing one big happy-dance.
The Twins say, “More strolling in your futures, Dear One.”
In The Dreaming I wonder…. What if humankind turned its back to the persistent and pervasive force of ‘go-go-go-do-do-do-gotta-make-it-happen’, and began a conscious practice of strolling?? How would perception expand…. how would we be changed?? How would our planet be changed?? Feels like a worthy experiment to play with in these times of pause.
I say we start a strolling movement. Pun intended.
Won’t you join me, in your neck of the woods??
©2020 Gail Barrie