Bless This Home
O Beings of Light and Mystery, thank you for a new home of safety and simplicity.
Grant that in this sun-filled space I am daily mindful of your Presence. May I write poems that please you, play songs that honor you, betoken your Love to our guests who thirst for you.
Thank you for the quietude of nights here, for the open-window cross currents of breezes off the Great Lakes whose initials spell HOMES, and for the sparrows who newly come to the balcony birdfeeder. The little birds of the heaven that “sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns” are sweet reminders to not be anxious for tomorrow. All these things and more reveal that today we are provided for.
In your wisdom, the balcony offers a spiritual metaphor: a near view of an autobody repair shop staffed by a gentle man named Moses, and a distant view of the tip of the Baha’i House of Worship, where its nine ribs rise to unite in symbolic harmony of the world’s great religions.
Thank you for last week’s rainbow arc over repair shop and temple alike—an affirmation of your abundant caring in this landing place.
Bless this new home with an overarching commitment to fix broken earthly things, and to lift trusting heart and spirit toward holy union.
Make it so.