• Musings

    Breathing Inside My Shell

    So many tutorials from Mother Nature, so little time… One of my lessons began with curiosity: how, I wondered, does an embryonic chick sealed in its protective shell get oxygen? Contained in the shell is everything the chick needs to…

  • Musings

    Bridges Between Here And There

    I don’t know what you believe, or think about this or that.  So I’m just going to say this out because I feel like it’s a message that wants to be spoken and heard…. At this time on Earth, the…

  • Musings

    Lesson From A Tot

    I don’t remember the time or place – grad school class? conference on family therapy? – but the speaker’s words echo on: “Human beings don’t like to say no to an honest need.” The who, where and when have evanesced…

  • Musings


    Whether your current seas feel smooth or stormy, what buoys you? What are the essentials of your sacred life that float your well-being? What are the colorful markers of movement and pause that lift your moments? What fills your passage…

  • Musings


    Can you sense the promise while enduring a time of hardship? I am currently enveloped in a stress-laden, iron-gray cloud of challenges as vowed caretaker of my beloved partner with his advancing Parkinson’s, as primary breadwinner while most of my…

  • Musings

    The Twins

    I call these two stately palm friends ‘The Twins’. They live down the street from me. The azure sky and marshmallow clouds drew me to them as I ventured out on my early evening stroll. I asked Father Sky to…

  • Musings

    Rainbow Roll

    Rainbow Roll…. my first take-out in three months, by choice, due to Shelter In Place restrictions. It was the best damn rainbow roll I’ve eaten in this lifetime, from an unexpected source.  Thank You, Nugget Market and your Mystery Sushi…

  • Musings


    Life is to be cherished like a lover. Oh Yes, the greatest lover you could ever imagine. A lover that captivates you, filling you with wonder and making your mind soar with passionate possibility.  One that sends shivers of delight…