• Poetry

    How Can I Love?

    How can I love All of us Without first embraces From the ancient songs of sages? The African drums, The arched harp and rabat That urged mating and soothed pharaohs, The Pan flute, the Roman lute, The Gregorian chant Dark…

  • Poetry


    To love Is to enter a holy labyrinth Without a map. There will be wrong turns, Retracing of endless winding steps, And dead ends. Why, then, enter and endeavor To plumb the maze? “If only I could find,” I thirst,…

  • Poetry

    All I Want for Christmas

    With what amazing grace he did appear A spark, a gift, a seedling to behold. His future and his inner life unclear When he was just a precious hour old. His mirror neurons and his mother’s gaze so full Entangled…

  • Poetry

    Bad News And Broken Things

    These days, it seems There is a growing chain Of bad news and broken things Weighing heavily on my heart The disintegrating stuff of life Falling to pieces at my feet Countless shards of existence No broom or dustpan can…