• Prayer


    I allow myself to be touched by even the slightest things. By birds on a wire, the sound of chimes, a spider spinning its web, the smile of a stranger. My openness to sensation allows me to be tickled, caressed,…

  • Prayer

    Sing Praises

    In the quiet of solitude, I sing praises to all living things. Birdsongs in the air, a creative mind, a tender heart, the gift of friendship, the miracle of my body. Each day is a gift to behold, filled with…

  • Prayer

    Love’s Invitation

    Love’s invitation arrived at the door of my heart, gently urging me to open. Open to what I do not know. I sense the time is now, but why? Saying yes is a choice to surrender, trusting I will be…

  • Prayer

    It Happened

    In the safety of solitude, respect and reverence fully in tact, I unleash my heartbroken fury with a vengeance. . . I activate my violence, revenge, hostility and murderous rage. I cross the edges of my caring, my cowardice and…

  • Prayer

    The Fog

    It is a day like any other, though I woke up feeling different. Stirred, shaken, uneasy. . . disrupted somehow, though my mind cannot measure or make sense of this disturbance. As I move through the hours, I encounter frayed…

  • Prayer

    Home, Sweet, Home

    Here I am… open, present, inviting connection. All is quiet in my world, my solitude a welcome oasis. Here I allow my body and mind to rest. Here I listen to the whispers beyond the hush. Here I let love…

  • Prayer

    New Eyes

    I seek to see the world around me with new eyes. Help me to expand my perception with the gifts of mercy, discernment, and hope. Encourage me to look for love and beauty in places where they may not seem…

  • Prayer

    Sister-Mother Songs.

    Sing to me, Sister Moon and Mother Ocean. . . songs of the New World. Of dreaming that spans between heaven and earth, day and night, here and there, you and me, this and that, us and them. Sing to…

  • Prayer


    As I awaken into The Dreaming, lulling myself out of the nightmare of separation, I weep oceanic tears of gratitude and whisper a silent “thank you” to The Divine for ushering me through. Waves of grace gently toss and turn…

  • Prayer

    Morning Prayer

    Quiet twilight sky speak to us, Tell us tales of All That Is. Let us sink into the relaxation of your stillness, Let us relax into the truth of what we know. Awaken our hearts to revel in beauty, To…