Daughter Song
When you were born my wish came true
And you transformed my precious world,
For though the boys brought treasure new
You became my favorite girl.
There’s something mythic in your eyes,
In hair so straight it shuns a curl;
A singing voice that blues the skies–
Who else could be my favorite girl?
When I was young I loved Ravel
But hated stuff like “Duke of Earl.”
You teach me to be versatile,
No wonder you’re my favorite girl.
As you discover life’s good joys
Your mind’s enlarged, your heart’s unfurled.
You’re learning how to live with boys?
I wish you love, my favorite girl.
You’re beautiful and talented,
You’re capable of verbal whirl.
Freedom, power, strength and thought–
These all describe my favorite girl.
I totally believe in you,
And be you angel, imp or churl,
Rebel, clown or Amazon,
You’ll always be my favorite girl.
So never doubt my love for you.
The world’s your oyster, I’m your pearl.
My spirit has a lustrous place
Which holds you as my favorite girl.
© 2001 Karen Barrie