My Muse
My muse is a chimera,
A shapeshifter.
Sometimes she is a seaglass genie
Pouting in a bottle,
Or a dear friend’s hug
(Perhaps even a lover).
I have seen her ablaze as a sunset,
Coral tinged as dawn.
She has been as without gravity
As a hover,
As a diver above a reef.
She eschews gifts from Tiffany’s.
She puts words in my mouth
Before I can put my foot in.
(Thank goodness.)
Sometimes she naps,
A luxurious snooze for her,
But bereft
For me.
Then, a surprise.
When my heart is mute
She boots up.
Her toes curl
And she stretches.
(Welcome back!)
The kinks in my images relax
And I have visions.
I have words.
I have you,
I have us,
I have in her temple,
In her embrace,
Ayahuasca of the soul.
I share her with you.
Such is my muse.