On Letting Go
Seems easier to linger
In the abiding hug of warmth and comfort
Of a space so welcome, so familiar and dear
Than to release a hold forged deep in my heart
Nourished by sustenance of Soul
Yet life’s gentle nudge cannot be denied
Nor my faith in that which I cannot see
Of destiny unfolding
So I thank All That Is for what has been
As I follow my path into a misty horizon
Answering a faint yet steady call
To feel the hug
Of something new Becoming
© 2025 Gail Barrie
Dearest Huggers,
With my heart overflowing, I thank you for your loving presence in this Barrie sister hug-space over the years. For now, I will be on pause in terms of my contributions to this artful offering of luminous love we affectionately call ‘Feel The Hug’. KB will be here keeping the love alive with her treats, while I continue to serve the call of our world becoming new. Who knows? I may drop in from time to time. And for now, one last hug from me to you, this way. Gail 💝