Think about it.
For 364 days
Each one begins a new year
That has no number.
With each dawn I hope
That I will act
A bit more wisely today
Than I did in the yesterday now gone.
The days slowly add up
To a year.
Today, the last of 2022,
I am poised on the brink
Of a different tomorrow,
A day which starts a new year
That has a number: 2023.
When midnight nears I will wonder:
This year, will we all act
A bit more wisely
Than we did in the yesteryear now gone?
I believe my small daily wisdoms
Are sparklers
That can brighten others’ days.
They slowly add up.
Today, I put on pollyanna glasses
To focus my vision.
I believe as we start a new year
That has a number
Millions of other lights
Besides my own will slowly add up.
365 days from now
I will look back on 2023.
Will I see its horizon
Bright with blossoming fireworks
That sparkled on us all?
I hope so.
Happy New Year.