• Poetry

    The Church Bells

    I miss the bygone bells, The bronze deep-throated Sunday thrum That synced with the vibrations of my heart And called me out of time. O hark. The weekday Angelus, in sounding noontime pause, Pressed gently on the reset button Of…

  • Poetry

    Four Blessings

    In a soul winter’s night emerges desire (When bleakness is steeped in the dark) For the warmth of a heart to kindle a fire Of caring, if only a spark. Four prayers, four blessings I ask To brighten an inner…

  • Musings


    Think about it. For 364 days Each one begins a new year That has no number. With each dawn I hope That I will act A bit more wisely today Than I did in the yesterday now gone. The days…

  • Poetry

    Road Trip West

    Behind a CR-V on I-80: Denver still lies ahead. My eardrums hum with John Denver And I sing along with Phil, Filled with memories, Life entwined with life. The prairie sails by. Phil is an earthbound sailor At the wheel…

  • Poetry

    And Suddenly It Was Quiet

    What a holiday visit it was In COVID’s shadow When son, grandsons, daughter Spilled their unmasked energy and laughter All over our condo. It was so gonzo. A winter’s night walk Sprinkled twinkling pied lights Of neighbors’ Christmas elves All…

  • Poetry

    Breakthrough Affection

    In these COVID days They call it breakthrough infection. Ah, a dark way to open a poem. But wait. As if emerging, Emerging from a deep retreat, I find a better breakthrough The color of air, and no mirage. I…

  • This Just In


    Ten hugs for breakfast, Eleven with lunch, Twelve hugs for supper, A dozen per bunch. Hugs that are scrambled, Hugs on a bun, Hugs in the ice cream With sprinkles for fun. Hugs in my salad, A mug full of…

  • Poetry


    What oceans hold and anthems know Is mirrored in a river’s flow. The raindrop not absorbed by earth, Hovering on the brim of birth, Meanders slowly toward the sea and Yearns for holy unity. Then By strange grace the droplet…

  • Poetry

    There is a Place

    There is a place In the southwest corner of the soul That wants to be given Away. Or maybe to be Laid out on a mesa For bone-picking? No, No. It wants tenancy In someone else’s pueblo Whose kiva receives…