Bridges Between Here And There
I don’t know what you believe, or think about this or that. So I’m just going to say this out because I feel like it’s a message that wants to be spoken and heard….
At this time on Earth, the veils are very thin.
As our old world of domination continues to crumble and fight vehemently for survival, a new world of dominion with higher potential is coming into existence with great momentum. Due to the powerful confluence of creative and destructive forces at play right now, the imperceptible boundaries between dimensions are more open than they have been in times past.
One of the great gifts of this opening is that our ability to make contact and connect with domains of ‘other’ is expanded. You may interpret that in any way you wish.
I am here to speak to one specific opportunity.
At this time we have even more access to those who have passed on from this life, and they to us. At some level, greater consciousness is aware of all we are facing right now in our evolution…. there are allies beyond the veils who are available and eager to offer help and support.
Perhaps this vein of potential is not your cup of cosmic tea…. perhaps you believe this life as we know it is all there is. If so, this message is not for you.
I’m speaking to and for those who yearn to be connected, reunited, tuned in to life and lives beyond our familiar space-time continuum. Those who want to wade into the very real potential of sharing life with unseen friends in such a way that we allow those beyond the veils to continue to contribute and have greater impact with us than ever before.
For many, the belief in life after physical death rests in conceptual form. In that sense, one can connect beyond the veils through thoughts, ideas and memories. This can be quite satisfying.
For those who long to have greater access to our unseen friends with a more full-bodied sense and feel of their presence, with new experiences to be shared, the conditions are most favorable for this type of blending at the moment.
Don’t ask me to explain. I have no steps to follow, no facts and figures to offer, or interest in convincing.
I can, however, share my direct experience of departed loved ones who are currently touching and influencing me profoundly with their presence, as they exist now. I’m also having similar experiences with departed people I never knew, who inspire me greatly. These souls have come closer to commune and comfort, to support and guide, to inspire, fortify and encourage…. they offer perspective and understanding I do not have from my vantage point.
They come bearing gifts of all kinds.
Feeling the presence of unseen friends and loved ones is quite a soothing and sometimes surprising experience. It takes my complete willingness to relax, and suspend my sense of physical boundaries so I can welcome more vibrant connection. It takes my willingness to pay exquisite attention to the sensations and impression that stream through, and trust the messages I receive.
Through my interactions with those beyond the veil, it’s clear that they want to assist us in these tumultuous times here on Earth. We are important to them. Planet Earth and future generations of humankind are important to them.
The veils are very thin… so many abide and await our invitation. They will not move in boldly without our permission.
In this writing, I feel the trustworthy hands of my ancestors upon my body…. I sense inspiring way showers calling me to help build bridges between the worlds of here and there. They want us to know that we are not alone, that help is all around. It’s just a choice away.
There are so many of greater consciousness who wish to assist us through benevolence. We are loved and cared for well beyond what we know. We can allow unseen love and care to help us connect, collaborate, unite, forgive, heal, and transform.
To allow this unseen help is a choice. A choice to surrender to the embrace of life beyond the physical while we are still here in a material existence. A choice to suspend mental constructs and comfort zones that prevent exploration of the vastness of life beyond this dimension. A choice to be curious, and maybe a bit courageous, too.
To explore deeper connections with those who have passed through this life requires humility, the empowered state of not-knowing, with a willingness to explore these connections anyway. It’s a choice to stretch beyond the domain of facts and logic…. to rely more essentially on what you sense and feel in the connection.
It’s a choice to invite and invoke…. to build bridges between ‘here and there’.
Perhaps the most essential choice, is the choice to become more receptive. To expand perception such that we allow unseen friends to be more real to us so we can receive their gifts. Receptivity is needed here on Earth, now more than ever before.
The question is, are we willing to become more receptive? Are we willing open ourselves to enlist and receive help and support from beyond the veils. Our Ancestors are calling….
Are you willing to receive (them)?
The veils are very thin…. so many abide and await our invitation. They will not move in boldly without our permission. They respect our right to choose. They are not here to rescue…. they are here to companion us. To help and support our most harmonious unfolding for the highest good of all.
If we let them.
Feel The Abiding Unseen Hug.
© 2020 Gail Barrie