Quiet Winter Moments
Breathe into the hush Of quiet winter moments Where tranquil thought forms Laze and lull weary synapses Into a space of resting pleasure. Sense the cordial hum And let yourself become part of An expanse of symphonic sensation Touched by…
Choice Point
Moving beyond the rugged road I claim a peaceful path Where ease takes hold Encouraging light to lead the way. © 2020 Gail Barrie
Advent was a time when autumn days Swerved away from half clad trees, Their heaps of burning tannin-incensed leaves Sent smoking toward a hush of colder air. We waited for the first snow. We waited for the leap to earth…
Fireside Chat Between The Grinch and God/dess
How can it be, That You, Love me? Outrageously, abidingly, eternally, For no reason. ‘Tis the season, To know, How this can be so. No strings, No bling, No heavy hands, Not a single demand. How can the likes of…
Baby Love Being
Hard to imagine I was once so small New to this world With a vast journey of creation awaiting My unique touches. We all begin this way Tiny dreamers being dreamed By Love Everlasting Into earthly life, with its riches…
December 4, 2020: To Mom with Love and Missing
Today you would have turned ninety-nine. I often wonder what you were like When you were, say, twenty-three. Did you go through the same unrest as me, Desire for roots, for a place like a tree Of your own? When…
The Singing Bowl
The mystery is safe (and sound), A note that’s made by circling round, Unleashed to fly beyond the ring Unseen yet clearly lingering. ‘Tis alchemy: on metal base A wooden mallet tracing space Makes golden song spill from the whole…
All Hail The Cosmic Bowl
Dip into the cosmic bowl And let the moment take you, Through careful curves on snowy streets Step into a festival of shenanigans, That tickle the funniest of bones And sooth the marrow of ancient sorrows. Slip into the cosmic…
GIVING THANKS for HUG NATION. The Barrie Sisters.
It’s November. Pandemic reigns And reins in my plans. I am not solely heavy-hearted, for Untold souls join me, at sea In aloneness, without solace Or solstice. Something lingers, longing, On the floor of Pandora’s jar, Waiting to enthrall (however…