• Poetry

    A Silken Shore

    Dreaming of a silken shore Where eagerness meets water’s edge And nature takes me to places unknown Wrapped in the allure of softer, brighter moments Take me to a silken shore Beyond well-worn paths of rootless woes And allow the…

  • Poetry

    Soul Touch

    Quietly, gently, softly Speak the names of those on your heart Send their souls messages of love Peppered with your touches Every little thought and feeling matters Every little moment can be splendid Quietly, gently, softly Imagine those whose heart…

  • Musings

    This Time, Asking.

    It’s been days since I have been here with a hug for you, friends. My muses are hushed, my mind a bit dull.  California is on fire and I am heavy-hearted. Fortunate to be securely sheltered in my home, the…

  • Poetry

    Came the Dawn Trotting

    morning, morning. came the dawn trotting spongy over the mellow turf with dew. and then the warmth raised the mist to sip it and quenched were the night’s dark candle and the morning’s thirst. dancing, dancing. came your love calling…

  • Poetry

    A Gentle Goodbye

    Reaching into this moment to see what is there A satisfied belly, sweet chill in the air The comfort of kindness And space to be real A quiet oasis Permission to feel. Not sure how this happened How this split…

  • Poetry


    Winging whitely it came, That moon— Where wheatfields below paid homage. A consecrating host was That moon— Mingling grains of wheat into one specter Of light-bathed. Magnetically, That moon Clustered clouds around itself Illmuninating them In lightning lines of silver…

  • Musings

    Breathing Inside My Shell

    So many tutorials from Mother Nature, so little time… One of my lessons began with curiosity: how, I wondered, does an embryonic chick sealed in its protective shell get oxygen? Contained in the shell is everything the chick needs to…

  • Prayer

    Becoming More

    Enliven my grace, as I rise to the choice and challenge of becoming more. May I free myself to give and receive in greater measure. . . to cultivate goodness, mine, yours and ours. . . to search and discover.…