It’s November. Pandemic reigns And reins in my plans. I am not solely heavy-hearted, for Untold souls join me, at sea In aloneness, without solace Or solstice. Something lingers, longing, On the floor of Pandora’s jar, Waiting to enthrall (however…
My love for you is as steeped as tea, as deep as roots. My love for you is distilled and pure, both placebo and cure. My love for you is the meeting of eyes, the dipping of bread. My love…
The Next Move
Wandering round this liminal space Can heighten or frighten a curious one, Images smudged With star-luster slashes Sensations flicker through flesh Catching breath and holding it a moment. . . Until the release, And it is done. © 2020…
The Hug Knows No Bounds
Sunshine angles filtered by a leafy crown And hoofprints on the ground a dotted chart That graphs a friendship’s progress on its path, The rhythm of two bodies, yet one heart. Two on the shadowed trail or meadow bright Or…
Teeshirt Teacher
Hair ends fall like fronds Around her face. To a child She’s as tall as a queen palm. Warm breeze strokes her arm As she turns the page And ivory smiles light java faces. They love her, these kids, And…
Simple Pleasure Recipe #1
Shake the rattle of what makes you happy Wiggle your way through tedious chores Make room for things a little too sappy Take time to play in the great outdoors Be mindful of the words you speak Appreciate the view…
On a Long and Cherished Friendship
Stack the still photos of creation: The infant cooling earth, receding seas, Tectonic inches, eruptions, upward plateaus Pushing and sculpting canyons deep Then reduced to feldspar, shards and sand. Stack the still shots of evolution: The yearning mindless cell, The…
Father Love Today
Daddy Dear, I remember you Your funny ways Made us laugh for days, Your private pain I never knew. To recall you now Through my heart-mind’s eye, I see more of the guy Than my youth would allow. A mystery…
Feel the Hug
Dragonfly dips, swallow soars, Centipede skims the Asian earth. Curiosity and smiles surprise us Like welcome mats. Between us, music is a wide jade river, A wide strong river. Our separate words, Swept on ancient currents, Drift like fallen leaves.…
Be My Guest
Sit down at my table And know that you are welcome Let your skin and bones settle In a place of warmth and comfort Where nourishment abounds And medicine comes in many forms Sit down at my table And know…